
作者:考试信息网  来源:未知 2022-01-25 16:35

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1. He is ________ my English teacher; he is one of my good friends.

A. more than B. less than C. no more than D. not more than

2. The director cannot be here, so I would like to express my warm welcome to all of you ________.

A. in his interest B. to his salute C. on his behalf D. at his service

3. Middle school academic clubs, ________ students can explore interests enjoy a great popularity.

A. which B. whose C. when D. where

4. ________ difficult and challenging the task may be, we must finish it on time, because there is a possibility ________ our work will go down in history.

A.Whatever; that B.However; as C.Whatever; which D.However; that

5. The singer and dancer ______ to come to our city.

A. are B. is C. have D. has

1. He is ________ my English teacher; he is one of my good friends.

A. more than B. less than C. no more than D. not more than



2. The director cannot be here, so I would like to express my warm welcome to all of you ________.

A. in his interest B. to his salute C. on his behalf D. at his service


【解析】考查固定搭配。on one’s behalf 意为代表某人表示感谢。根据句意:主任不能来,所以我代表他向大家表示热烈的欢迎。故选择C。

3. Middle school academic clubs, ________ students can explore interests enjoy a great popularity.

A. which B. whose C. when D. where



4. ________ difficult and challenging the task may be, we must finish it on time, because there is a possibility ________ our work will go down in history.

A.Whatever; that B.However; as C.Whatever; which D.However; that


【解析】考查Whatever和 However的用法和从句,However后跟形容词或副词;Whatever后跟名词。that引导的同位语从句,所以选D。

5. The singer and dancer ______ to come to our city.

A. are B. is C. have D. has


【解析】the singer and dancer指一个人所兼的两个称谓,因此谓语动词用单数。


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